Citronu skaistums
Dabas skaistumkopšanas produktus, lielākais un slavenākais cilvēku sirdis es baidos, es būšu citroni. Ļoti skābes citrona garšu, slikta garša, bet tas ir liela praktiska nozīme. Mūsu valstī, citronu, pazīstams arī kā Yi, es baidos, ka ir euphony dēļ. No Kantonas: "piemērots māte un dēls, garša ļoti skābes, grūtnieces aknu trūkums, tādēļ sakot vajadzētu būt mātes. Sasodīts pēc pagatavošanas, cilvēki piedāvājumu, slēptās gadus. “ Uztvert, sen cilvēki kā citronu.
Skaistums un kosmētikas mehānismu citronu sulu var apkopot šādi:
Un samazinot pigmentācija, lai āda balta.
Otrkārt, uzturvērtības, ādas kopšanai
Treškārt, dezinfekcijas mērogu un attīrītu ādu lomu.
Zvani "Return raksturu" Rietumu sievietes izmanto citronu sulu skaistumkopšanas produktus, programmas ir plašākas un arī daudzējādā ziņā. Bet ievērības cienīgs bija, ka tik bagāta ar organiskās skābes, citroni, ādu kairinošs, tā nav tieša pārklātas ar citronu sulu ir atšķaidīts vai pabeigta ar citiem naturālo kosmētiku, proporcionāli būtu vērsta.
Citronu skaistumkopšanas metodes var apkopot: vārīšanai, peldvietu, Veļas mazgāšanas, tualetes u. tml.
Importējot zīmolvārdu smaržām kosmētiku ādas kopšanas produktus, make-up dāvanas vairumtirdzniecības rotaslietas Boutique veikalos
Lung Jyi is a Taiwan based distributor of wholesaling top brand cosmetics, fragrances & gift sets to trade & export to specialty stores, superstores or retail stores. We are dedicated in providing you with a wide selection of genuine brand names from every corner of the world. Our company offers a complete range of the most up-scale and cutting edge products, which includes perfume fragrances, men’s perfume、women’s perfume、mini perfume, skin care, cosmetic, color cosmetics, perfume gift sets, skin care gift sets, cosmetic gif sets, hair care, styling products, body care, bath and body accessories, makeup accessories, color cosmetics accessories, fashion decorations, gift sets, fancy products, Japanese fancy products etc.
Export/ Wholesale Business
Based on different channels, our customers could be divided into two categories, physical (traditional) and virtual (newly) channel. The traditional channel consists of trader, wholesaler, skin, body and hair care’s original installation import, franchise store, chain store, decoration corporation, gift corporation, department store, distributor and direct sale. In the other hand, the virtual channel is through wholesaling to the online shopping mall.
Basically, two kinds of our key customers are other smaller wholesalers and physical stores. And due to different trading volumes, trading figures or the long-term cooperation relationships, the wholesale price would be different in those two kinds of customers.
Our products come from creditworthy manufactures, agents or trading partners in order to ensure the product quality and avoid fakes. The bestselling high-quality products and the competitive price are our characteristics; therefore, welcome fraternity or all trades and professions to be our customers or give us some advices. Thank you!
Please call our office number for further information. E.Mail
Tel: 886-6-2820480 , 2822432 , 2833368
Fax: 886-6-2520390, 2828429
Opening hours: AM10:00~PM7:00 (Two days off every two week)
Address: No.403-2, Dawu St., Yongkang City, Tainan County 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Ziņas (Atom)